If you have a business, perhaps only one thing is more difficult than starting it: leaving it behind.
Through the three different career transitions of our guests, we will talk honestly about the waves, ups and downs and phases of this process. What can we learn from it? How can it influence our future decisions and ultimately how can we develop by it?
Our guests sharing their stories:
Lily Asch (USA) - Writer, storyteller, facilitator and founder of Real Talk CIC (www.realtalkproject.org), a social enterprise dealing with mental health;
Dániel Farkas - Co-founder and former CEO of Drops language learning platform;
Attila Molnár - organizational and workplace psychologist, co-founder of TeamINSIGHT Labs.
The event will be hosted by: Áron Levendel - Solution-focused coach, coach trainer, managing director of KAPTÁR and Solutionsurfers Hungary
We are looking forward to welcoming you at KAPTÁR in the afternoon of May 15th, if you are interested in the stories of these three very exciting guests and also if you feel that your professional life is also about to change.
Feel free to invite anyone who might also be interested in the topic.We definitely expect a very useful and therapeutic conversation thanks to this fine line up of business owners, so don't miss out!